One of the important ideas that we discuss on this website is the concept of Vision, or what I call communicating dreams into reality.

This past Friday I had a great conversation with Timothy Watts, one of my colleagues and Director for International Admissions at Dallas Baptist University. Tim and I were discussing our new international marketing plan, specifically some of the communication challenges (or) opportunities we could encounter with the launch of this new initiative. During our discussion, we realized that an important component for success in this program would be the group’s cohesiveness to the goals of the marketing plan. We needed to be sure that everyone knew, and clearly understood, including why and how we were moving forward with this program. We realized it was all about our team buying into the Vision!

In his book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, John Maxwell writes, “Nearly anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course… they see the whole trip in their minds before they leave the dock. They have a vision for their destination…”


For leaders, I consider this one of the most important and critical areas that we need to get right. I have found that exceptional leaders have the ability to clearly communicate, in a contagious way, the goals and direction for an organization. In other words, they know how to “steer the ship”. Furthermore, they know how to do it in a way that is exciting, so much in fact that their ship is packed with passengers wanting to come along for the ride. I believe that this can be accomplished through communicating the leaders’s vision, or sharing their dream!

When you are establishing and communicating your vision, I think it is important to consider a few things:

1) Find your Dream – This one may be a bit obvious, but it starts with finding your dream. Ideally, a dream rooted with your timeless purpose that you are compelled to see completed. As a suggestion, start with the end in mind, and then work backwards.Ask yourself, what is important to you or your organization? What will actually bring valuable benefits to those that you have influence or responsibility for? Think about what you would like to see happen, and then work backwards, step by step to see what it will take to get in done.

2) Elicit Advice – Once you have your dream, it will be important to test it by electing the advice from others. Feedback is important. This means sharing the idea with your trusted colleagues and advisers. This will help you to vet your thoughts and establish whether your vision is indeed timeless and adds value for your purposes. Coincidentally, this will also help determine if your vision is indeed “contagious” by testing it on your trusted colleagues. Remember, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” ~ Proverbs 15:22

3) Share it – Here’s the fun part, starting sharing your vision! In fact, don’t stop talking about it. I have found this to be one of the “arts” of exceptional leadership. Specifically, exceptional leaders can enable followers to action by sharing their vision in an emotionally expressive manner — IE: leveraging their emotional intelligence to get people excited about being apart of the vision. Great leaders can draw you in through their use of emotional intelligence and interpersonal skill; connecting you together with the vision.

4) Reflect on it – Take time to step back occasionally to see how your dreams are coming into reality. Repeat #2, and elicit more feedback and thoughts from others. In the end, you’ll want to be sure the plans you have set in place are actually being accomplished and provide value to your purposes. As discussed, a vision is worthless if it does not have a timeless purpose that brings lasting value and benefit to others. You will most likely want a benchmark (or metric) to measure value; such as more sales, higher morale, greater client satisfaction, etc.

Leadership is such a privilege. The opportunity to share your dreams with others through a vision is an important responsibility. Do not loose your head in this. You have the privilege to take others, your organization, and it’s project where you believe God wants to go!


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About a week ago I was attending a conference on international education in San Diego, California. Universities and educators from all over the world, all together more than 10,000 people, came together to talk about the development and internationalization of higher education. During one of the sessions I was able to listen to the thoughts of Jeffery Selingo, author of the book College Unbound, where he spoke about the future of higher education and what it means for students and internationalization.

There were many interesting points that Selingo made, but one particular point stood out to me that I was compelled to share with you here. Do you know what the top job skills are that employers want out of graduates from college?


Over the years, both as a student and also as a higher education administrator, I have heard many people ask this question; “What do I need to learn in order to get a good job?”. It comes in many forms, but in the end it always has to do with the student’s (and their parents for that matter) desire to land a job after they graduate.

Well, without further a due and based on plenty of research, here are to the top job skills that employers are currently saying they want from the graduates coming out of college:

Top Job Skills Needed

1) Written & Oral Communication – Communication is central to the world of work, when communication is poor or inadequate, the quality of that work – be it a product or service – will suffer as a result. This skills involves being able to demonstrate the ability to write concisely and with clarity to convey information and ideas in a logical and clear manner. In addition, you must have the ability to converse in a confident and effective manner with others from a wide range of backgrounds, emotions and prospective.

2) Managing Multiple Priorities (Time Management) – This skill involves the ability to “juggle” the urgent and the important within a world that is constantly moving. Managing busy workloads with heavy deadlines and lots of pressure is though, but it is an important requirement for being effective in the workplace.

3) Collaborating with Others (Ability to work in Teams) – This skill requires a great deal of interpersonal ability and emotional intelligence. You must have the experience and ability to work well with a diverse group of people, each with differing opinions/beliefs, and can successfully find commonality to work effectively in order to complete tasks on-time, within budget and based upon the desired deliverable.

4) Solving Problems (Conceptual Thinking) – This is the ability to understand a situation or problem by identifying patterns or connections, and addressing key underlying issues. You must understand the integration of issues and factors into a conceptual framework, experience, creativity, inductive reasoning, and intuitive processes that lead to solutions or alternatives that may not be obviously related or easily identified.

* Attention College Students – If you want a good job after you graduate, you had better be developing these skills and getting plenty of practice doing it! What is the hardest job skill for you to learn?


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